Bob Dylan Great White Wonder Discography Grids


Format - Great White Wonder

Great White Wonder BBC Broadcast Don't Look Back Early 60's Revisited In Melbourne Australia Isle of Wight John Birch Society Blues Let Me Die In My Footsteps Royal Albert Hall Saint Valentine's Day Massacre Seems Like a Freeze Out Stealin' Talkin' Bear Mountain Massacre Picnic Blues The Demo Tapes Troubled Troubador VD Waltz While the Establishment Burns Bob Dylan GWW Complete Set

Bob Dylan Great White Wonder Discography Grids


Format - Great White Wonder

Great White Wonder BBC Broadcast Don't Look Back Early 60's Revisited In Melbourne Australia Isle of Wight John Birch Society Blues Let Me Die In My Footsteps Royal Albert Hall Saint Valentine's Day Massacre Seems Like a Freeze Out Stealin' Talkin' Bear Mountain Massacre Picnic Blues The Demo Tapes Troubled Troubador VD Waltz While the Establishment Burns Bob Dylan GWW Complete Set
Product description
These information documents for each of the official Trade Mark of Quality releases includes the known details for each genuine TMQ title. This includes the TMQ catalogue number, artist, record title, track list, musicians, venue, recording date, master tape and record matrix info and the other particulars for each album.

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Total price: $2.00